Cheat Age Of Emipe 2

Ini adalah beberapa cheat codes game EMpire 2 CHEESE STEAK JIMMY’S :1000 Food ROBIN HOOD:1000 Gold ROCK ON :1000 Stone LUMBERJACK :1000 wood NATURAL WONDERS :Control nature (lose control of men) NORMALMOUSE :Default mouse driver RESIGN :Defeat yourself BLACK DEATH :Destroy all the enemies WIMPYWIMPYWIMPY :Destroy yourself NOTERRAINSOUND :Disable ambient sounds NOSTARTUP :Disable FMV sequence NOMUSIC :Disable Music NORMALMOUSE :Disable Sounds MFILL :Fix Display Problems AWE FREEZES MSYNC :Fix sound problems FURIOUS THE MONKEY BOY :Get a Furious Monkey Boy HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON:Gives a ‘cobra’ car TO SMITHEREENS :Gives a saboteur I LOVE THE MONKEY HEAD :Gives a VDML AEGIS :FAst Building TORPEDOx :yang x di ganti angka musuh mu POLO :menghilang kan kabut

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